Browse Articles By Tag: sports and recreation
When one talks about parachuting, several things come to mind. The exhilarating feeling it gives to most skydivers, the high cost of its equipment, and the danger that comes along with it are some of them. (...)
06.12.2012 · From TheAuthor
Parachutes are essential for skydivers, either for recreation or competition. Although skydivers across the globe are trying to land without one, this feat is not proven yet. There are many variants in parachute designs and sports. (...)
06.12.2012 · From TheAuthor
The use of parachutes for military purposes has been long gone. Although the military can still use it for their own tactics, they are popularly known for extreme sports and children's games. The use of parachutes has changed along its development. (...)
05.12.2012 · From TheAuthor
We all know what parachutes are for. They are very to make as a science project. However the science behind a parachute is not as easy as you think. There are key factors that you have to consider. (...)
05.12.2012 · From TheAuthor
From the first demonstration by a girl in 1914 to the final jump in the Pacific in the World War II, military parachuting proved to be of great value in military operations. The year 1914 marked the first occasion that the military considered the use of airborne...
28.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Parachuting is an exciting recreational activity. Apart from that there are also courses to enable you to engage in different parachute sports. There are many parachute schools in the world. (...)
26.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
The use of parachutes when jumping off a plane has been customary. It's natural to rely on these devices to get you down on earth in one piece, even Evel Knievel used one. However some people are not thrilled by skydiving anymore. (...)
25.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Who doesn't enjoy a skydiving exhibition? The formation and techniques that experienced skydivers do as they jump, free fall and slowly descend can be breathtaking for the average spectator. (...)
24.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Despite the lack of concrete parachuting statistics, misconceptions still surround both parachuting and skydiving. Many people believe that every year, there are a lot of individuals who die or get injured because of parachuting and they attribute a great number of...
23.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
After World War I and II parachutes were used for different purposes. Pushing the limits of extreme sports, new variants of parachuting was created. The origin of skydiving in uncertain but its popularity later on led to different sports and events around the world. (...)
21.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
If you like parachuting, then Ohio is one of the best places to go. This state in the Midwest is host to a handful of exhibitions and aerial show annually. The weather and terrain, not to mention the scenic background that the Midwestern sunset brings, make it the...
17.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Parachuting is, as they say, not for the weak-hearted. That is why it is considered as an extreme sport. While only a handful would actually try it, there are quite many enthusiasts who enjoy it just by watching skydiving shows and exhibitions. (...)
15.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Parachutes have gone through a lot of developments and use. Its purposes are not just escape devices. After the World War I and II more developments to its design lead it to be used for other purposes such as sports and recreation. (...)
14.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Undoubtedly, parachuting is among the most popular sports in its genre. Much of its popularity can be imputed to the portrayal of this dare devil sport in the movies and ads. But unfortunately, parachuting is no cheap sport. (...)
10.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
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